Monday, August 10, 2020

August 7 - a moment of clarity

A moment of clarity...

I was busy today, but also felt like I needed to get home and care for Rob, and save the kids by getting them out of the house and away from him.  I got home and made him go for a walk around the block because it was a beautiful temperature.  I chattered at him around the block, and he actually kept up with the conversation for the most part.  He still said "I like that Chevy truck" at the same 3 houses as always, but he was able to laugh at himself as he walked along "leading his own leash and taking himself for a walk." (He wouldn't let go of his sweatpants string!)

I was able to talk to him about in home care and life in general and he seemed to be listening and coherent!  That's rare!  I got him dinner and he was willing to go pick huckleberries. I couldn't believe it. we went.  He was able to keep track of what I was telling him in the car for the most part.  I couldn't believe it!

We got to the first spot and I asked if he wanted me to set him up in a chair, and so we got him toddled over to the base of the hill...and instead of sitting down, he wanted to help me pick hucks?!  WHAT?!  Now...I couldn't physically get him to the huckleberry plants, but we got him close after a fair bit of work, and so he stood there pointing at plants and telling me to pick them. I wasn't getting much...but we tried.  Then he sat on the ground by himself because his knees hurt, but he didn't complain at all.  Who is this person?!  So, we decided to go to spot #2, and again, he wanted to try to help me pick some hucks.  He came over for a little while, but then he was getting tired, so I set him up in the sunshine in a chair on the road, and I picked as fast as I could. I told him I was sorry and I was hurrying and he kept saying "we're here to pick them" or "that's why we're here"  New words - not the same phrases!?!?! It was amazing! I kept chattering away at him so he could hear me. then finished up, found a game trail and followed it a short way, then stuffed him in the car, gave him his 8:00 snack and we headed back down the road.  

He was definitely not my Rob back again, but he was able to respond, without using the same phrases over and over.  It was a miracle!  I could hardly believe it.  Then, he slumped over in the car seat like usual, looking nowhere as usual, and faded into the fog.  

But, it was so nice while it lasted.

The next morning, he didn't know what day it was, which way was up, or which way was down.  He asked me the same 3 questions all day long. And some of his old phrases we haven't heard in a few weeks are back.  He is constantly asking me about he Livingston Rodeo...and he was cold and he doesn't want to go, and we can't make him go.  I keep telling him...there is no rodeo this year...we are past the rodeo, and no one will ever take you to the rodeo again.  But there goes that dang reset button and 10 minutes later, he is adamantly refusing to go to the Livingston Rodeo and "you can't make me." I swear...I am so tired of hearing about that stupid rodeo!!!  

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