Things are moving along on the part time caregiver.
Sometimes it seems like it is taking SO long, and other days it seems to be happening quick.
Claim paperwork was sent in to my long term care insurance and we met with a licensed in-home care company. The meeting went fairly well. Rob seems to be on board the more we talk about it. Well...the more we talk AT him about it. He doesn't say much, but he isn't opposed to the idea. The case manager had a lot of extra ideas for keeping the caregiver busy while they are watching Rob - stripping the bed and washing the bedding, doing his laundry, prepping meals, light housekeeping, etc., in addition to taking him for walks, getting him to talk, taking him on scenic drives, and playing cards with him. I felt like so many of the ideas would benefit me more than him, but then I realized that it IS helping him if I have help taking care of him! He needs meals - I am happy with cereal or a salad. He needs the bed changed (he sweats a lot at night even though he is cold), without me doing it every Saturday and being grouchy about it. He needs his laundry done - goodness - with 2 pairs of socks, sweat pants, a t-shirt, a zip up fleece and a vest every day - he creates a LOT of laundry. The hamper fills up every other day. He needs to be in a clean, safe environment. I don't have to be the one sweeping up the floor and cleaning the table and sink and counters after every single meal he eats. Heidi and I get SO tired of sweeping under the table several times a day. He needs someone to talk to him and get him out of the house instead of me sitting at the kitchen table saying "AH - don't talk to me, I'm trying to work!" So, if she can pop in some laundry and sweep the floor and start dinner while she is entertaining him - that all helps HIM. Somehow, I feel guilty - like - surely I can do all this myself! I should be able to change his socks and do his laundry and talk to him...but...not while I am trying to work from home, or even just need a break in my day!
So, we signed the contract - if I end up making a mistake - well - then we give them 2 weeks notice and cancel the contract. I felt good.
But then that stupid anxiety kicks in for the next several days.
Am I spending my long term care money too soon?
What if I spend it all before he needs to be in a facility?
What if the caregiver brings in Covid? - not too worried about the Covid - but the repercussions - if they bring in Covid, then Heidi would have to miss work for 14 days at her new job, C would have to miss school and sports until we are cleared to go back. I would have to miss work until cleared to go back. Sigh. What a mess.
What if they steal?
how will Rob do?
What will they think if they take him for a scenic drive and he is slumped over not looking out the window? Some days I wonder if it is worth the time and effort...until he says, "Thks fr scenc drv" 87 times that night.
What if
What if
What if
I know better than to stress.
So I get under control, but still have momentary surges of panic - what if I am doing the wrong thing? What if I am making a mistake?
And then, it is almost like God answers me with Rob's symptoms. I work from home a few days, and Rob has some bad dementia days. He makes no sense. I can't understand a thing he is trying to tell me. None of his words or sentences belong together. He spends the entire day just repeating his same old phrases over and over all day long. He also asks me the same questions all day long. "Are you working?" "Are you working from home?" "Are you going to work?" "Are you working?" "Are you working" If I say, "maybe I'll go for a walk or a bike ride just to make sure I get a lunch break" then he will ask me all day "are you going for a walk, are you going for a bike ride, are you are you are you are you?" Once I return home from a walk or jog or bike ride or the store or the mailbox or the back y ard, he will ask me for the rest of the day and into the next day, "did you go for a bike ride? did you go for a bike ride? did you go for a bike ride?" I went for a bike ride yesterday at lunchtime. He asked me 25-30 times if I went for a bike ride after I got home. This morning, he has already asked me twice if I went for a bike ride yesterday. Then he asked me if I worked from home yesterday or if I went to work. WHY does it matter?? He also repetitively tries to repeat facts about his day. "I think I took a walk." (Yes, I took you) "I think I went for a drive" (yes, I took you), "I'm retired" "Is it Monday?" "I like Meals on Wheels" "Are you warm? I'm cold. I have Huntington's and you don't" "Are you going to the bathroom or am I going to go?" (You do you, man - if you need to pee, go pee - it has NOTHING to do with me.) "Are you using a fork? I like spoons." I ask him a question - pick one of the above phrases and that will be his answer. He doesn't say anything except the same phrases. He also walks through the house whispering to himself. "yeahs, so...I guess..." You guess what? He can't answer that.
I'm home, I can see how he spends his days. He spends a lot of time slumped over on the couch listening to Christian radio. At 10 he eats a snack and complains about being cold. I make him sit outside in the sun. He's still cold. At 10:30, I look up from my computer and he is walking in circles in the living laps, around and around the living room. Why??? He thinks it will help him go to the bathroom. He goes in the bathroom, falls, and busts the toilet off the mounts. sigh. at least I don't have to clean up 11, he tries to do his "PT Exercises". I've posted them before - but - you guys! Its getting worse! Lunch, nap, a walk, a scenic drive, dinner, little house on the prairie, and then meds. He gets ready for bed and comes out to ask me to tuck him in but instead says, "Hi Heidi, are you going to bed?" (, "I am! I like sleep!" "mumble mumble mumble" (what?) "no" (no what? what are you saying no to?) "I like meals on wheels" Heidi and I laugh..."mummble mubmmmmble tuck bed" So, I go to tuck him in bed and Rob says, "I went for a walk today, did I, yeah, I walked today, it was hot." (I know, I was there, I took you) He scratches his head and rolls onto the mattress, "I went for a scenic drive today I think" (Yes, I was there, I took you) "giggle giggle, oh, yeah, I'm retired."
I see it every day, and yet, it is still shocking. I start to think he needs some serious dementia care - more than we can handle at our home, even with a caregiver. But he isn't ready for a facility...but...I'm not sure a part tie caregiver is enough. So, then I stress more, because I think he may need to be in a memory care facility fairly soon, because he is completely losing it. And what will people say? What will they think? How DARE I put him in a facility instead of caring for him at home? But how do we take good care of him HERE? well - that's not now - that is someday - and we will let someday worry about itself.
Getting a caregiver is a HUGE step...a BIG change! He doesn't do real well with change sometimes. We had to reschedule a dental cleaning last week and he had the biggest temper tantrum meltdown ever. We rescheduled for the following day and I told him if he was good, I would buy him lunch anywhere he wanted to go. He was good, so I took him to Taco John's.
The more I worked from home, the more I worried about him and a caregiver. What if part time isn't enough? Do I need to start working from home more? I can't work from home and take care of him at the same time, really. I can be in the house for emergencies, but what am I going to do??
I have to escape, so I get in the car and drive to pick up prescriptions, contacts and a car wash. I don't make it a block before I start crying, "Lord, WHAT am I supposed to do? I don't know what to do, Lord! Help me! I need wisdom and strength and peace!"
I am not home for 45 minutes before my phone rings.
It's the case manager for the in home caregiver company. They just interviewed someone and they think she would be a great match for Rob. She can start on Monday.
And suddenly, it almost seems too quick!
But the weight lifted off my shoulders is physical.
The tightness in my chest is gone.
Clenching my teeth together stops.
I am okay. Rob's okay. The kids are okay.
We're gonna be okay.
God has it under control. He has NEVER failed me. He will NEVER leave me or forsake me. He knows the number of Rob's days, and holds us in the palm of His hands. Why doubt? Why fear? Fear is a liar. we go...Monday is a comin'!