In the middle of a very hectic week, I received a letter from the school. The nominating committee would like to include my name on the ballot for the school board. I didn't get past the first sentence before I set it on the table. This will take considerable prayer...but in spite of the pit in my stomach, I already know I won't be able to say "no."
I have many conversations with my Lord about the nomination. The Hubby and I discuss it a couple of times as well. Even though I know I will agree to allow my name placed for nomination, I resist.
I allow the flaming darts of Satan to sink in and cause me to worry. I must have forgotten to put my armor on again. My greatest concern is the time commitment. I already leave the house at 7 am, and often do not get home with the kids until 6:30 pm. That gives me limited time to cram some dinner in them while they do homework, hop in the shower, and off to bed. Not to mention, that most evenings, we are off and running somewhere - 4-H, sports, church night, school functions, whatever...we have a revolving driveway - always in motion.
I fight it...foolishly.
You know - here I pray, constantly, for the Lord to use me...that I can serve Him somehow; certainly, I should TRUST HIM when He DOES call me to serve Him!
If I sit and fret about time management and stress levels, then, at the root of it all, I am basically doubting HIM! If I doubt this nomination, I am doubting my Lord! WHO, as you recall, I have asked daily to serve!
Overwhelming peace comes over me, and calmly I smile and nod. Yes, Lord, I hear you. I will be still and know...YOU ARE MY GOD!
I always accept His will - and I need to accept His will and serve wherever He calls me. I might not be saving the starving orphans in Africa...but that does not mean I am not serving, and that He hasn't called me to serve HIM, and that He is unable to use me and work through me!
I trust completely, that if it is God's will that I serve on the school board, then HE will create the time, and provide me with strength and peace. (as in, the opposite of stress). If it is not His will, I won't get in...and that is fine too.
My dear sister in Christ said, "maybe it is better to be nominated now, before the kids are in high school and we get even busier." Little does she know my deepest thoughts, for I cannot share them when the kids are listening to my phone call. You see - I've already considered the timing...what if it is God's will that I serve NOW, because NOW, the Hubby can still help me watch the kids and cover for me on the evenings when I would have to attend meetings. In 5 years, that may not be the 5 years, he might not be able to help with the kids. (of course, in 5 years, Punkin will be driving and they can make their own dinner...but still...)
So, I write the nomination acceptance letter with peace and acceptance.
If it is God's will that I do not get in - then there is still a reason for being nominated...whatever that might be...and whatever that might be, I accept completely.
If it is God's will that I do get in, then I fully accept that it is His will and He not only has a reason for it, but He will see me through it.
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