Pain in the Neck (and
May 30, 2018
Right now, Rob has unbearable pain. No matter what he does or tries, his back and
neck hurt. He also has constant
headaches. We have tried:
Physical therapy
Multiple doctors
Pain pills
Several topicals (icy hot, lidocaine, biofreeze,
deep blue, etc)
Essential oils
Anything else a person can think of – we have
tried it
He does not get relief.
His pain tolerance is gone.
He calls me at work to tell me how bad he feels. All. Day. Long.
It seems to me, like his dementia affects his ability to
tolerate pain, to interpret where the pain is coming from, and how bad the pain
is. His anxiety compounds the
issue. If he doesn’t hurt, he is worried
about when it will start to hurt, and how bad it will hurt. If he even starts to get a little tense or
tight, he panics about how bad it will get.
If he doesn’t believe a new treatment will work, he gets upset within
minutes. He did not expect cryotherapy
to work, and he was doing so much better that day than he has been in two
weeks, but by the time we drove 20 minutes down the road, he was convinced it
did not work and refused to go back.
Similarly, when he thinks or expects something to work, he becomes
obsessed with it, even if it doesn’t make much difference. He spent two weeks making us all massage him
24-7. Now he got ahold of a big
vibrating massager (like the chiropractor uses). He calls it the buffer and is constantly
asking us to “buff his back out.” (Once a body man, always a body man – even if
he was a diesel mechanic for almost 30 years! Ha ha)
He calls me at work to ask if I can come home and use
it. My mom has taken the brunt of the
afternoon massage requests, God bless her.
We have an appointment with the neurologist and the
back/pain management doctor, but we need to do something to get him through to
those appointments. Between the pain,
the insomnia, the depression, etc., Rob feels like he is trapped in
prison. He stares at the clock or his
watch, just waiting for the next dose of Tylenol/advil/exedrin/whatever
We are ready, now, for prayers that the Lord takes him home
sooner rather than later, to ease his suffering. He wants to be with Jesus and be whole again. To be 100% body, mind and soul. Better than 100% on earth - but in his new, perfect, Heavenly self.
However, Romans 8:28 says that we KNOW that God works ALL
things together for the good of those who love him. And we love Him. So we KNOW, that God can somehow use this for
good. And that is good enough with us.
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