Monday, August 26, 2013

When the other shoe falls...

The other shoe fell last week.

Hubby had just been commended at work for doing a good job, and even been given a raise.  We thought we were "in the clear" as far as his job goes.

Then he went to work and was laid off. 

Due to the extenuating circumstances, Hubby does not believe this was at all related to his job performance or the possibility he is beginning to have symptoms.  He believes it was just county politics.  But I wonder....if I see symptoms at home - how does it affect his job?  Maybe his short term memory issues and delayed reaction time, and delayed cognition and poor balance and other physical symptoms are causing him to work too slow.  Maybe he only THINKS he is working fast.  Maybe "as fast as he can" has become too slow?  There are so many unknowns.  But Hubby doesn't see this.  Hubby only sees that he is trying as hard as he can, and that his boss wants to hire his buddy and had to can him to do so.  There are many things I do not know...

What I DO that God is good ALL the time.
He really is.
His plan is good and perfect even when we don't know what it is or why things are happening.

So we do not fear.
There is no reason to fear.
What can mere man do to me?
God is FOR us, not against us!

Is it stressful, oh, to be sure!
Is it hurtful? Definitely.

BUT - we have an overwhelming sense of calm and peace and strength that only the Holy Spirit could give us.

I try hard to be both the soft place for Hubby to fall AND the rock to give him strength.  Even tho I know that his TRUE rock needs to be the Lord.

I listened to him at church yesterday, as he simply stated, "it's okay, it must be God's will." 
He also said that most of the guys he worked with are big partyers and drinkers, and "it is really hard to be salt and light in that kind of environment." 
So it will all be for the best in the long run.

We are simply placing our future in HIS hands and praying for His will to be done.
We truly thought we were following His will in taking that job...and it is a bit of a let down that it didn't work out the way we expected.  It makes us doubt whether we heard His voice correctly or not.  But perhaps this was part of the overall plan!  HE knows what HE is doing with our lives much more than we ever could attempt to plan.  And we know HIS all powerful goodness and mercy and love...and therefore we TRUST in HIM!

We will be fine.

I have an overwhelming sense of peace and strength and love...I can just FEEL the Holy Spirit with me - with us. 

Hubby has several prospects - in fact, he had a job offer within a few hours of being laid off (unfortunately, it has no benefits, no time off, and he would have to work every weekend).  He is visiting several places and dropping off resumes.  He hope to wrap it up by the end of this week, but we will accept the Lord's timing in this and in all things.

God will always provide.
in many ways.

Praise Him for His goodness and mercy and love, His grace and strength and power! 
Praise Him from the highest hills, for His name is great and glorious!

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